Not consciously, but I think I deluded myself into expecting that by purging myself of my insane thoughts, I would somehow break free of them. But here's the thing: I just woke up and realized, it never really ends.
Analyzing and over analyzing. Loving. Hating. Being. Seeing. Hearing. Talking. Closing my eyes. Breathing. Thinking. Thinking that I'm thinking. Believing. In very few things...but believing in them with every fibre of my being. Dancing. Till my heart is on fire. Watching TV shows. I'm addicted. Math. Programming. Mahabharat. It's fascinating. Discussing religion and its evolution. Ramadan. It's uplifting. Reading. Writing. Words. Learning. Trying. Giving. Waiting for the one I lost over the stupidest and horriblest mistake ever.
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